- What do you think of women who wear high heel shoes? 你觉得那些穿高跟鞋的女士怎么样?
- Do you carry a spare wheel in your car? 你的汽车上有备用车轮吗?
- Do you carry any spirits and tobacco? 有没有带烈性酒和香烟?
- Do you want high heels or low heels? 您想要高跟的,还是低跟的?
- Do you carry hundred percent cotton pants? 您带来的是百分之百纯棉裤吗?
- G: Do you want me help you carry the hand-luggage? 需要我帮你拿手提行李吗?
- Do you carry a spare wheel in the back of your car? 你在车后携带一个备用的轮胎吗?
- Do you carry any HAODI hair gel? 你们有没有带好迪发胶?
- Do you carry alcohol-free toners? 你们有没有不含酒精成分的化妆水?
- Do you carry any fire-arms or narcotics? 您有携带军火或违禁物品吗?
- Do you carry any spirits or tobacco? 有没有带烈酒和香烟?
- Do you carry it over your shoulder? 你把它放在你的肩膀上吗?
- Do you carry moisturizers with SPF15 or higher? 你们有含防晒系数15或是更高的保湿霜吗?
- Do you carry the Washington Post? 有华盛顿邮报吗?
- Do you carry the big-buckled belts? 你们有大皮带头的皮带吗?
- Do you carry the hotel voucher with you? 请问您携带了订房凭单吗?
- Do you carry your business license? 您带营业执照了吗?
- Do you carry hundredpercent cotton shirts? 你们有百分之百纯棉的衬衫吗?
- Do you carry bookcases? (Now you're talking. 反之若有特定所指的对象,则用定冠词(包括单复数)。
- Do you carry alcohol-free toner? 你们有没有卖不含酒精成分的化妆水?